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Showing posts from August, 2019


DEAR NIGERIANS After a long terrific day, I pounder On the struggle that faces the hustle Of every proper Nigerian. The image became clearer each time I pick up My pen to defend my generation Corruption!!!a word gold plated in the hearts Of babies born in a nation ever growing in infant hood Nigeria, a country with 59 years of Independence And experience of unlimited national budget funding foreign projects, Still growing with promising debts I wonder the destination of our country With this toss for power and the leaders Taking what they don’t  own All we feel is the emptiness of their promise And testimonies of their greed, I see the rich getting richer and the poor Becoming poorer in a mine of gold Mined by incompetent hands With youths cruising the streets In flashy cars and political apathy With the opportunity of young dreamers Who should have accumulated a 5.00gpa In a country they are only allowed to roam the streets Many have come with tran...


     Emotion is a person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.        In this age we live in, we let our emotions lead us. We feel with the heart, but never judge with the heart but with the mind. Because emotions are just feelings that never last long,  emotions expires and we are either back to our senses or something else catches our attention. We get drunk and intoxicated with our emotions that our brains stop working until its expiring date. Emotions are like sexual pleasures that it is enjoyed until you climax, only then you are back to your senses. We don't think properly when we are emotional. Everyone is emotional but it’s nicer if we don't get drunk by our emotions.       Kinds of emotions that is difficult to handle. • LOVE • ANGER • JEALOUSY • ANXIETY • SADNESS •   HAPPINESS   ...


       Procrastination is the act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially habitually or intentionally.       Procrastination is the enemy of our present activity. It is a form of stress relief. Procrastination makes us leave works and schedules unfinished. Procrastination is a habit we possess every day, we can't get fully rid of that habit, we can only avoid it. We have lots of works waiting on our desk, we have daily schedule that should be finished but we procrastinate and the day goes by and nothing has been done. Everyone is/has or will procrastinate on something in life, today, sometime or soon. Nobody is an exemption unless one avoids it. It is a habit that can't be stopped but avoided. Note: It is a habit not a Job. We have the habit of procrastinating but we are not procrastinators. HOW DO WE PROCRASTINATE? • WE DO THE IRRELEVANT THINGS INSTEAD.      We have  a job to be done but we say " I'll start in the...


        Depression is a disease that has no physical remedy. Depression has no drug prescription, doctors cannot help solve it, herbal can't help, miracles can't work it, and your pastor can't help you. Your mind is the only remedy to your depression, how you control it is up to you.       Depression is a psychological problem as defined in  Depression Part 1 ( ).  Not only lunatics (insane people) who walk the street or who are in a psychiatrist hospital are suffering from psychological problems. There are stages of sociopathy. Being insane is bad, not being insane and yet suffer from a psychological problem is worse. I have watched insane people closely and I notice there are some characters they possess; *   They don't get good food to eat yet they are happy. *   They don't have a roof over their head yet they are happy. *   They don't worr...


       We have the fire, pursuing it is a problem.  At one stage we are certain; this is how I want it to be. At another stage we don't know what we want anymore, the fire has quenched.      Pursuing Ambition is no easy task. Every new year people list out resolutions, this is what I will do this is what I will achieve, am going to be really focused, I won't let anything distract me.  In the next four months this year will be gone forever, you haven't started out what you listed out. Some did not even lay hands on it, some started but got distracted.  You keep friends who see your ambition as a foolish idea, they make you quit.  You fail to realize that a wise idea is foolish at the hearing of fools. We have naysayers lying around; they are mostly people very close to you. Your partner, parents, siblings, friends etc, they always tell you, you are never good enough; it’s too difficult, find something easier and such demoralizing...


    Depression is no longer a feeling but now a disease  of the mind and this is common all over the world. Most times its not fear,  it is depression. We live in our past lives which keeps us depressed forever. Most people have failed to realize that it is past, they personally torment themselves with living in the depression of their past.           In psychotherapy and psychiatry, depression is  a state of mind producing serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to visualize a happy future.       You punish yourself because you believe you are not perfect.  You first convince yourself that you are good,  you go up stage and you fuck up because all you think when you are up there is " I don't think I can do this",  i am just a done, dirty slut,  I don't deserve anything good,  what if this people know about my past".  When you see your past as in the past you talk about...


INTRODUCTION.         Voice aloud reader reads aloud text displayed in an android app,  e.g. Web pages, news articles,  long emails, SMS, PDF, files and more. WHY YOU NEED VOICE  ALOUD READER. • HELP ONE MANAGE TIME.                Most people spend hours struggling with reading, yet having a lot of work to finish up.      Unequivocally, one can't study while driving if reading verbally,  one can't study while walking,  or doing chores. Voice aloud reader helps one accumulate knowledge at any state or position because @voice reads it orally. •  NO INTEREST STUDYING.         I have noticed most people complain about inability to study, no interest studying,  normally  fall asleep while studying.  Voice aloud reader is the solution you need. Its just like listening to news on your television or radio set. HOW TO USE VOICE ALOUD READER. •...