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Showing posts with the label Attitude towards problems


     The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your ATTITUDE about the problem _ CAPTAIN JACK.     A leader has a attitude  that makes him or her different from followers. Attitude is a product of belief.  You cannot have a attitude beyond your belief.  Your attitude comes from your belief system. You are born to solve a problem. Dont tell God to take away your problem else you don't want success.  Problem is what makes success. Without a Goliath there would be no KING David.  David never prayed for God to take away the Goliath. You are born with an answer to your generational question. Your value is based on the problem you solve. Your values goes up with the  problems you have solved. You are not remembered for the problems you avoided but by the problems you solved. If you want to be  great look for problems.  Jesus is so famous because he solved the most important problems on earth. "Sin & Death". ...