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Showing posts with the label How to fulfill your ambition in life


       We have the fire, pursuing it is a problem.  At one stage we are certain; this is how I want it to be. At another stage we don't know what we want anymore, the fire has quenched.      Pursuing Ambition is no easy task. Every new year people list out resolutions, this is what I will do this is what I will achieve, am going to be really focused, I won't let anything distract me.  In the next four months this year will be gone forever, you haven't started out what you listed out. Some did not even lay hands on it, some started but got distracted.  You keep friends who see your ambition as a foolish idea, they make you quit.  You fail to realize that a wise idea is foolish at the hearing of fools. We have naysayers lying around; they are mostly people very close to you. Your partner, parents, siblings, friends etc, they always tell you, you are never good enough; it’s too difficult, find something easier and such demoralizing...