We live in an age where everybody wants a well to do partner. Every lady wants a wealthy man, a man that has a good apartment, good job that pays monthly. Every guy wants a lady that is productive and intelligent. A man/woman can date several people over time, but would stick with one because they do not possess the attributes of their type. The list of guys you may be attracted to may not like you because you are not their type but pretend they do. Before you start developing strong emotions for a guy or a lady it is advised you first find out who their ideal partner is, so not waste your affection in the end. This is one reason people get heartbroken. Find out if you fit it, If you don't then find your ideal partner. People say "ehmm I will mould him or her to my type, now this is a very wrong thing to do because someone can just play along either because they want what you give them or they probably are sleepin...