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Showing posts with the label I'm not ready


    Excuses are just  words we come up with to quit making it sound legal whereas its illegal. Most people fail to see that excuses are just conjunction of words to better us for the moment. Excuses sounds best to the person who's making it up.  You can only make excuses to the public,  you tell excuses to suit their thinking,  how do you suit yourself,  you sit around,  you nag,  you say life is unfair. You made up the excuses, then,   why transfer blame on life.  Your family background didn't  cause you to fail,  the evil in this world didn't cause you to fail,  not until you see   no demon tying you down you can never succeed,  you live a wasted life as you continue to assume a demon in your family tying you down.    There is no excuse to quit, we see our problems as excuses instead of opportunities.  No excuse is good enough to earn a reward.   Most people feel comfortable...