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Showing posts with the label GREAT IDORO


NIGERIA, Birth place of my ancestors Salute to the soldiers and our fathers who fought For the future of our past Living us with something to hold on to Our Freedom We celebrate with a mixture of laughter and tears Not forgetting our hero’s who protected our future For dreams and aspirations fulfilled and those dreams that never got fulfilled Tough now the present On this day, we remember our roots and what we stand for Your advice against corruption and greed our compass stirring us back to morality Reminding us of the dreams we have, the goals we share and the future we desire Sometimes I wonder how bad it would get before the good is born I see our minds torn As thoughts echoes in hopes of the future Recovery is sure from this disease of corruption and greed One thing is certain The gates of hell not prevailing I see the  future in our descendants Building what we could not build Viewing what we did not see Restoring our broken ego and returning our los...


DEAR NIGERIANS After a long terrific day, I pounder On the struggle that faces the hustle Of every proper Nigerian. The image became clearer each time I pick up My pen to defend my generation Corruption!!!a word gold plated in the hearts Of babies born in a nation ever growing in infant hood Nigeria, a country with 59 years of Independence And experience of unlimited national budget funding foreign projects, Still growing with promising debts I wonder the destination of our country With this toss for power and the leaders Taking what they don’t  own All we feel is the emptiness of their promise And testimonies of their greed, I see the rich getting richer and the poor Becoming poorer in a mine of gold Mined by incompetent hands With youths cruising the streets In flashy cars and political apathy With the opportunity of young dreamers Who should have accumulated a 5.00gpa In a country they are only allowed to roam the streets Many have come with tran...