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ILLITERACY.     Illiteracy is not a good excuse to make your child autonomous  when he/she cannot differentiate  his right from his wrong.    Ben carson's mother was an illiterate,  she didn't see that as an excuse not to help her children out academically.  Ben Carson was the dullest in his class in his elementary school.  He was dull because he doesn't study to exercise  his brain.  Mind you, no one was born with a certain seed of resilience. God created every one in a unique way,  he isn't  a partial God.  No one  is dull,  one starts getting dull the moment  he stops studying.    Ben carson's mother  went on her knees  prayed to God,  sat her kids down and instructed them; . You must read at least two books per week; her kids were reluctant,  but its something they can't  run away from  because they had been instructed. •'You mustn't  watch TV except two programs,'  she knew TV was a great distraction to kids,  they can spend a whole day sta


There are three(3) major excuses parents give,  that's........ You know...... Valid. •No time . • Illiteracy • Single parenthood.       No matter  how good an excuse may be,  it's never good enough to earn a reward. There's absolutely no excuse for failing to discipline your children/wards. NO TIME .    If a parent cannot /do not spend quality time with their children, it only means one thing, for the parent, the children are not that important. If you can't spend time with your kids and the only excuse you can come up with is I'm working  to earn money to put food on the table, to send them to school,  to ensure they don't lack in future'. These excuses  aren't  good  enough,  if you are doing all these and you don't spend time with your child they would disgrace you.  Let me tell you how; . If you can't  spend time with them to notice whatever they do wrong, so to discipline  them • You can't  spend time with them to


     Society is a long-standing group of people sharing cultural aspects such as language,  dress,  norms of behavior and artistic forms.       It can also be define as a group of people who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest; an association or organization. WHO IS THE SOCIETY?    The  society is you and I.  A society is not a place.  Without you  and I in the society, it can't  be called  a society.  We are the content that makes up the society. As a society,  we play a very vital role in child's upbringing.      Without a parent/guardian,  our children tend to go astray,  because the people who are to stand as role models aren't  playing  their role.         Joel osteen said in  a book of his.          " The reason that children get in trouble can often be traced to the fact that they do not have positive role models in their lives.  They don't have anybody speaking blessings over them and praying for them; they don't have father fi


SECOND STEP TO KNOW IF SHE'S THE ONE INSTEAD OF DISGUISING ONESELF ;   How do I know a woman who would love me for who I am ? •   Knowing a woman who would love you for who you really are isn't easy.  There are ladies out there who would love you because you've got all they want. When that money of yours disappears  their love disappears into thin air.  But this is no point for a man to disguise himself. There are  lots  of ladies out there who do not care about your money,  they are willing to love you for who you are. •   When a man approaches a lady initially,  he gets her digits,  communication starts.  After two or three days of your meeting you would notice, the girl will keep calling and then starts requesting you get her one thing or the other.  She doesn't  or wouldn't care about anything but wanting to throw herself at you, not even wanting to know the kind of job you do.  What matters most to them is your money,  car and luxury.  she wants to


        Disguise means to change the appearance of a person or thing so as to hide or to assume an identity. 1.       Most people disguise to hide their true self from others having the mindset of "people would like me more when I disguise myself for who I am and not what I am".   MEN DISGUISING THEMSELVES TO WOO LADIES.       It is unequivocally clear that most women love money and they can be bought because money gets them carried away.       It is certain,  most women or ladies do love for money and that shouldn't be it.  This attitude of theirs has led most men into disguising themselves as wretched,  uneducated,  so any woman they woo would love them for who they really are, not for what they are.            Disguising oneself is no point for a woman to love you for you. Disguising oneself as wretched,  uneducated  is no point for a woman to love you for you.      In this 21st century of ours,  no graduate or undergraduates would want to build a relationship